2020 Mind Maps!!!

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Mind Maps

A mind map is a tool used to organize thoughts, options, possibilities. Most importantly, it’s a way to get you thinking outside the box—or in this case, outside the list.

Start with a large work surface, like a piece of poster board.

Some pointers to make an effective mind map:

· Use just key words, or wherever possible, images.

· Start from the center of the page and work out.

· Make the center a clear and strong visual image that depicts the general theme of the map.

· Create sub-centers for sub-themes.

· Put key words on lines. This reinforces structure of notes.

· Print rather than write in script.

· Use color to depict themes, associations and to make things stand out.

· Think three-dimensionally.

· Use arrows, icons or other visual aids to show links between different elements.

· Don't get stuck in one area. If you dry up in one area go to another branch.

· Put ideas down as they occur, wherever they fit. Don't judge or hold back.

· Break boundaries. If you run out of space, don't start a new sheet; paste more paper onto the map. (Break the 8x11 mentality.)

· Be creative. Creativity aids memory.

· Get involved.

Have fun.